Discussion on first three years (2022-2025) Strategic plan of the University to transform the University to Applied Science is under.
Following Ethiopian Universities categorization by FMoE of Ethiopia, Wallaga University was differentiated as University of Applied Science. Since its labeling, Our University's management is intensively working on the smooth transition of the University from its current status (Comprehensive) to the University of Applied Science, by devising action plans and strategies. As part of the effort, the University-wide management council members are evaluating the 2014 Academic Year plan execution and are holding discussion on a three-year-plan (2022-2025) drafted to lead the University to Applied Science

Training on internal and External Quality Assurance successfully delivered at our university

Quality of education and its assurance come at the forefront of all crucial issues in the context of increasing recognition of the role of higher education for national development. How HEIs demonstrate quality of their education in a changing higher education environment requires an understanding of their current practices and systems for assuring quality.

Excellence in Trauma Care center
Since it was differentiated as University of Applied Science our university has been doing various activities which will help it to smoothly transform itself from comprehensive to Applied. Drafting and defending strategic plans (ten years', five years' and three years'), reviewing existing curricula (UG, Graduate) and developing new ones, conducting program Audit, strengthening partnerships with local industries, research institutes, sister higher institutions (both within boundary and abroad), identifying and establishing Excellence areas are some of the core activities done so far.

Wallaga University successfully delivered a Three Days training on Strategic Management and Leadership

Wallaga University’s Assessment, Training and Development, Quality and Standards and Reform and Good Governance Directorate offices have successfully conducted a Three-day training and refreshment workshop (28/11-01/12/2022) on a topic entitled: Strategic Management, Leadership, Reform Tools, Quality Assurance and Digital Literacy”, to its middle and lower-level management members. 