Currently in Ethiopia, the practice of chemical engineering is at a very rudimentary stage. Many vital problems of the country can be solved by cultivating such professions. Chemical Engineering can play significant role to alleviate poverty and food shortage, as well as prevention of environmental deterioration from traditional practice. It is undeniable that a large capacity, Safe and economical production of quality outputs is a solution to the mainly agrarian community and weak economy of the country. Industries with such production efficiency can be in many small scales or large scales. At present, the number of such industries in the country is way below the required. Therefore, much effort needs to be done so as to boost the numbers. Hence, in materializing the ambition of industrial development, chemical engineering and chemical Engineers can contribute to a great extent.

Therefore, it is clear that at present Ethiopia expands and give ambitions to industry developments but lacks technical professionals. Generally, there are no enough professionals of chemical engineers in different sectors of industry which the government has given priority such as sugar industries, textiles, garments, leather and food processing and in general process/chemical industries (Growth and Transformation Plan Policy Matrix, Volume II, November 2010, Page 9-11); considered as the critical infrastructure for the country to change the living standards of the people.

The Ethiopian government, via the Ministry of Capacity Building, has clearly stated the need for the reform of engineering education to enhance the development of different industrial sectors. Thus, the department has duty to take responsibilities on producing equipped human power as required.


Ø  Department of Chemical Engineering aspires to produce qualified and internationally competent professionals in the areas of Chemical Engineering specializing in sugar technology.


Chemical Engineering department intends to give an emphasis on:

 Ø  Training the graduates for advanced methods of cane-sugar production processes related to the research, design and operation of sugar industries.

 Ø  Training the personnel for production of allied sugar based products like alcohol, acetone, aceticacid, oxalic acid, etc

  Ø  Training the personnel to start small-scale sugar based industries.

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