Welcome to Wollega University Law School

Wollega University Law School, since its foundation in 2005, has been actively engaged Academic, Research and Community service within the university and out of the university forums. As the pioneer Law School in Western Oromia, Our School is utilizing regional and international forums including moot court competitions in order to compete with other Law Schools to market itself as the centre of excellence and be one of the best Law Schools in Ethiopia. The role of WU Law School as Academic, Research and Community service centers is not only limited to educating students but also engaging with the community through the appraisal of significant legal and policy issues by utilizing forums like legal aid at more than 12 centerstoensure access to justice, moot court Competitions which have been conducted at national and international level and also clinical education for law community. With its motto as the ‘Centre of Excellence and Relevance’ Wollega University Law School’s vision of producing competent Legal professionals requires clinical programs and skill centers through which the students will be able to consolidate their knowledge and understanding. This can happen, if we all rally behind this lofty goal and put in the necessary effort in what we do; and do what we can do with great professionalism and honesty. Here, you don’t have to do any particular thing in any particular way. The best lawyers ,the best teachers, the best public servant, the best entrepreneurs, the best judges ,the best public prosecutors are those who take opposing arguments seriously, who listen generously, and who approach others with empathy and respect.  At our school our differences and our diversity are source of strength that we cherish.  In general WU law school is to provide basic legal training to the students, giving legal services for the vulnerable and conduct legal based research  and thereby to provide competent graduates who functions well in promoting,  and administering justice as well as in research and legal advices.

I thank you and wish you all the best in your line of business!

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This website introduces you to the many ways you can learn, work, and grow at WU law school.

Wollega University

School of Law

Strategic Plan for School of Law (2008-2012 E.C)

An Overview and Rationale of Law School

Since the establishment of the Faculty of Law of Addis Ababa University in 1963, the expansion of higher institutions of legal education had stagnated, proliferating only in the past decade with the establishment of new schools of law across the country with the objective of preparing trained legal professionals who interpret and apply the numerous laws of Ethiopia and provide for the nation’s pressing requirements of qualified legal manpower.

Accordingly, the rationales of Schools of laws across the country aspire to prepare a competent legal professional who works for the prevalence of rule of law, democracy, constitutionalism, human rights, good governance, tolerance, social justice and development. They train and graduate adequate manpower at different levels to meet the ever increasing needs of the Ethiopian society in the field of law.  Moreover, the law schools endeavor to produce vibrant research community so as to generate knowledge through research and publication. The Law Schools also produce graduates who could promote community based activities so as to solve pressing socio-legal problems.

A Brief History of Law School in Wollega University

Wollega university school of law has commenced its teaching and learning function with enrollment of 36 undergraduate degree students of which 24 are Males and 12 are Female and three teaching staff with LL.B in 2007. The annual intake capacity of the school has significantly increased. Currently the school has 201 students in regular program, 100 students in distance and 115 students in summer) and 19 instructors (16 on duty of which 3 are LLM and above in qualification, and 1 on PhD study leave). More than 250 students had graduated at undergraduate levels from the school.

Besides teaching learning activities the school is performing community services. Currently the school is performing different community service under the 10 centers that were established in ten different woredas of Wollega zones and Western Shoa Zone (Bako woreda). These centers are undertaking free legal aid as a means to ensure access to justice for all both in terms of coverage and efficiency to those with limited means. These centers are comes in handy to bridge the gap between the rich and the poor which promotes the idea of equality before the law. Accordingly, these centers are providing free legal aid under the guise of Wollega University School of law.

Rationale for the Strategic Plan

The underlying motive for the Plan is to guide the law school in carrying out its core missions: teaching-learning, research and community service activities effectively. The Plan is expected to be vital to serve the school as a direction of its activities in accomplishing its purpose. Besides, it will be used as a clue and feedback to evaluate its progress, monitor the environment, identify and   exploit opportunities to arrive at its destination.

Vision, Missions and Objectives of the Law School


Our vision is to be one of the well known, influential and visible law school at national and international level whose students, graduates and workers advances knowledge, justice and the public good in the state, in the nation, and around the world.


The mission of Wollega University, School of Law is to increase the knowledge and understanding of the law through the scholarship of the school, public services and teaching that provide a transformative educational experience for students so that they will become accomplished and ethical lawyers and leaders. In fulfilling this mission, we rely on the strengths of a great public research university and the achievements and supports of other stakeholders.


The main aim of the school is to provide legal training, conduct legal research and provide community services. The school undertakes its activities to enhance development that has been started in the country. Therefore, to achieve its role the school has general and specific objective.

General Objective

The general objective of the law school is to provide basic legal training to the students, giving legal services for the vulnerable and conduct legal based research  and thereby to provide competent graduates who functions well in promoting,  and administering justice as well as in research and legal advices.

Specific Objectives

 Ø  To equip students with basic knowledge of major national legislations and procedures, along with the skills of legal interpretation required to solve legal problems;

 Ø  To train professionals who will be able to undertake the technical aspects of drafting and revising laws;

 Ø  To enhance the critical thinking abilities of students so that they can understand and implement laws as judges, practicing lawyers, prosecutors, public defenders or academicians

 Ø  To train professionals who can deliver legal advice in public and business laws either by working for particular firms or individuals seeking such advice;

 Ø  To educate individuals who will be able to speak to and advise clients with professionalism, understanding and responsibility;

 Ø  To prepare dedicated persons who can research and publish, and hence reinforce Ethiopian legal jurisprudence; and

 Ø  To produce legal professionals who serve society with the highest need to ethical values, who strive to defend rights and liberties and uphold the fundamentals of rule of law.

Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats to the school

(SWOT Analysis)

SWOT analysis refers to the identification and analysis of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats to a given organization. While strengths and weaknesses are analyzed from within the organization itself and it can manipulate, opportunities and threats are most of the time, externally imposed forces which may not be often harnessed by the organization effectively.

Strengths of the law school

1.   Qualified academic staffs to accomplish the missions.

2.   Giving community services, e.g. legal aid services for the poor/vulnerable.

3.   Knowledge and information of community needs and instant response to the demand.


1.   Minimum effort in promoting the school to create awareness for employees, potential students (Evening and weekend programs).

2.   Weak collaboration with other justice institutions like court, prison administrations, the police and others.

3.   Low rate to collaborate with some important international, regional and local organizations on ensuring justice and entrenching the culture of democracy and human rights.

4.   Less engagement in research activities.

5.   Less resource (books, internet, research fund etc).


1.      Prepare students to advance justice and achieve professional success.

2.      Foster community engagement and partnerships.

3.      Contribute to the vitality of Ethiopia’s legal community.

4.      Increase affordability for students and provide a life time of rewarding programs and services.

5.      Increasing leadership, innovation and diversity in legal education.

6.      Train students for a wide range of knowledge of law and law related professions.

7.      Wide scope of expansion as it encompasses many socioeconomic development, political, and governance issues.

8.      High potential for integration with more public, private, NGOs and community based organizations for growth and expansion of the country.

9.      High potential for integrating the school’s missions with a number of international, regional and local development agencies.


The following can be cited as some of the threats to the success of the law school in realizing its missions:

 1. Unattractive and/or less employment opportunity for graduate students of the field – due to the situation of less salary for the lawyers.

 2.  Inadequate facility provisions and poor services (for example internet, equipments, toilets, other materials and books etc.)

 3.   Poor financial incentives in research and development.

Strategies to overcome the Weaknesses

The following could be taken as some of the means to minimize the weaknesses.

1.      Exert uninterrupted effort to provide the school with ample number of reference materials and research incentive.

2.      Attempt to promote the law school to potential external stakeholders.

3.      Try all the best to succeed in collaboration and work with important international, regional and local development agencies.

4.      Institute/establish other related fields of study to expand the scope.

School’s direction to overcome the threats

The following could be cited as possible remedies to minimize some of   potential repercussions of the threats.

1.      Work in close harmony with concerned stakeholders to maintain academic quality and build the capacity of prospective graduates.

2.      Work hard with all University community and concerned bodies to fulfill essential facilities

3.      Urge concerned bodies to improve financial and material incentives for research and community services.

4.      Work closely with federal cooperative agency and other universities.

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